Learning Observer Events

Listing of events related to the Learning Observer

View the Project on GitHub ETS-Next-Gen/learning-observer-events


Many initiatives continue to function well so long as the founder is still there, but decline as soon as the founder leaves. A few areas to think about:

There have been many successful attempts to set up open ecosystems, including the GPL ecosystem built by the FSF and, to a lesser extent, the Creative Commons ecosystem. Ideas can come from government (what makes democracies work? what makes it fail?), business, and non-profits.

As the other groups discuss what we want for privacy, family rights, open science, etc., think through of what we would need to structure an organization which can maintain this sort of alignment for the next hundred years – in other words, beyond the lifetimes of the founding members. Think through:

How do we set up a legal and technological framework to keep us honest and operating in the public good?