Learning Observer Events

Listing of events related to the Learning Observer

View the Project on GitHub ETS-Next-Gen/learning-observer-events

For Participants

Google Doc

This workshop has two major parts: a tutorial on writing observers and a paper presentation. The tutorial sessions will involve installing and testing the Writing Observer and Learning Observer software. We strongly recommend all participants join us in person with their own laptops, as we will be able to provide more support in the process. For all participants, Please fill out this form before the workshop

For online participants, please use this Zoom link to join us.

After you attend this workshop, please fill out this form to provide us feedback.

Workshop Schedules

Time Schedules
9:00-9:15 opening, introducing Writing Observer
9:15-10:30 Installment of Writing Observer in small groups
10:30-10:45 Refreshment break
10:45-12:30 Exploration of the system
12:30-1:30 Lunch break
1:30-3:30 Focus group- collaboration
3:30-4:00 Refreshment break
4:00-5:00 Paper presentations(Five presentations)
5:00-5:30 closing

Installation Guide

We will walk you through the installation of the Writing Observer on your machine. However, we strongly recommend you install it before the workshop starts since the whole process could be long. Here is the installation guide. Before the workshop, We highly recommend you go through the installation guide until you finish the Test the system section with the ` make run ` command.

For Windows users, please make sure you installed the WSL and set up the virtual environment properly before the workshop starts. For Mac uses, make sure you installed wget and set up the virtual environment properly.

Paper Presentations

In-person presentations

Online presentations